Technology to live with technology

Today's society has huge improvements that make our lives much more comfortable, but it also has collateral effects that affect our health and well-being. In our lives we need mobile phones, Wi-Fi networks, 5G, high-voltage networks, home automation and more and more smart appliances, which generate electromagnetic fields that have potentially harmful effects on our body and the environment in the long term.

Numerous scientific studies warn that this pollution can have a clear impact on the development of serious diseases and the degeneration of the nervous system, especially for highly sensitive people.

¿How does it work?

In the Clean Wifi Roomwe enable spaces in order to avoid the unbalances produced by technology in the body, BUT WITHOUT GIVING UP WI-FI, MOBILE,...

Repeated exposure to these electromagnetic fields can cause long-term health problems since the effects are cumulative over time. The technology we use in Clean Wifi Room does not cure or reverse pre-existing problems, but it prevents these effects from continuing to affect us.

An energy system that respects the environment and the consumption of raw materials:

No electrical or battery supply.
Unlimited duration, as long as the devices are kept in perfect condition.

If you want to know more, fill out the following form and we will contact you to give you all the information you need.

What are the symptoms of people sensitive to electromagnetic fields?

The characteristic symptoms of these disorders are usually manifested in the form of:



• Insomnia

• Psychological blocks

• Psychic blocks

• Irritability

• Tinnitus

These symptoms may indicate the development of future more serious pathologies.

The Clean Wifi Room program allows you to compensate for the imbalances produced by the EMF generated by technology, in your office or business.

We use state-of-the-art technology with scientific studies.

These studies have been carried out in world-renowned universities and research centers (Complutense University of Madrid, University of Granada, Polytechnic University of Catalonia,...)

The biochemical, bioelectrical and bioenergetic levels are rebalanced.

This protection does not affect in any way the proper functioning and performance of the technology.

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